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We would like to explain in a few lines how the Clinamenaudio products are created and developed and to describe our price policy.
CLINAMEN AUDIO is a partly technological partly idealistic project. Its purpose is to build devices for the home fruition of music to ensure an emotional enjoyment as close as possible to the real event.
Finance is not the primary driver and that is why we are in the best position to achieve this mission.
We are also a ‘free thinking’ company, meaning that our design choices are only driven by the desire to supply a musical reproduction as close as possible to reality and not by what the market wants. The market can impose preferences thanks to the power of advertising and mass media; indeed these guided choices follow the purpose of the highest profit where music is never their main concern.
The commercial approach of Clinamen is a lone voice and it is not financially convenient; the project’s highest priority is to bring the emotion of live music in the home of music lovers and the idea of a company with revenue is only an afterthought. Clinamenaudio builds devices that we think able to tear down the veil between music and listener, using and rediscovering ancient techniques with modern processes and materials. Our customers are people devoted to music and its emotional message. The small annual production of our devices and accessories is completely absorbed by people who know exactly what they want.
From what we have said so far you can easily deduct that the company has an exclusively craftsmanship policy. There are no production lines and assembly lines. Each product is designed and built as a unique piece and, let us say this, it almost has a soul of its own.
The design and building of each product goes through the hands of its founder, Stefano Buttafoco who passionately designs, develops and finally assembles devices, cables, speakers and accessories. Nothing is left to chance, the woodwork, the functional as well as the aesthetic design, the listening sessions used to plan the best design, the choice of passive components…
This is the only way to verify every choice, to use the best materials, to tune the device like an acoustic instrument. All this is not achievable for a company aimed at maximizing its profits and therefore devoted to mass production.
The hours of labor of qualified staff multiplied by the sky-high prices for advertising and distribution would make the prices rocket.
For all we’ve said above and with the purpose of offering its products at the lowest possible price, Clinamenaudio puts in place certain methods which are a pillar of its philosophy.
-DISTRIBUTES ITS PRODUCTS DIRECTLY, eliminating the distributor’s mark-up, which can reach up to the 50% of the basic price.
-KEEPS MARKETING AND ADVERTISING COSTS TO THE MINIMUM, so they don’t affect the final price. It relies on the word of mouth of enthusiasts for its presence on the market.
Furthermore we would like to highlight that the price of our products is established with a precise and mathematical logic:
Final price = Cost for materials + labor + added value
Precisely because the price is the result of a mathematical calculation without any redundant cost and without high mark-ups, CLINAMEN AUDIO HAS A FIXED PRICE POLICY. The price applied is the actual one, without any discounts. Each customer is the same as any other and there is no favoritism for friends or relatives.
What we have just said should reassure you that the final price is a direct measure of the intrinsic value of what you’re buying.