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In order to create a high performance cable for audio use, be it of signal, power or power supply, it is necessary to analyze the problem in all its aspects.
our project milestones are:
The Clinamenaudio cables are the culmination of a long work made of prototypes and listening sessions with friends, musicians and audiophiles.
We believe we have achieved important results, we invite you to compare Clinamen cables with any cable on the market, provided that they areput in a intrinsically neutral and revealing chain. In the Clinamen cables the musical signal flow with the maximum possible fidelity, since this is not altered by contamination due to spurious mechanical vibrations, electromagnetic / electrostatic fields and radio frequency. You will feel the difference, especially when you remove them to return to the previous interconnections.
In the following list you can read all Clinamenaudio cables production:
semi-balanced signal cables:
DNA ( discontinued)