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In this page you can read about Clinamenudio heavy wood plinth for THORENS TD124 (mk1 or mk2 version )
Dimension: L= 475 mm, D= 406 mm , H= 110 mm.
The plinth is made in our factory , cutting number six of multilayer of birch sheet. Each sheet is cut with CNC pantograph, with a dedicated profile, so we can maximize the volume and consequently the weight of the plinth. Each sheet is 18 mm thikness, so the total height is around 110 mm. The inner surfaces are treated with damped sheet ( bitumen plus Alluminium)
The plinth have rounded corners ( radius 83 mm) , and the wood veneer is wisely glued to the curved edge.
The available veneer is: ebony, rosewood, walnut. Other types are avilable on request.
RAW plinth with ebony veneer and damping bitumen sheet plinth
The plinth is veneered on the perimetral with a double-layer veneer to prevent the differential shrinkage of the multilayer, that, in the years, can be showing its relief texture on the wood. Two types of glue are used in the gluing phases of the veneer in order to differentiate the needs for the straight and angular areas (in the latter, a filler glue is used).
Also the bottom face of the plinth is veneered!
In the four corners of the bottom face you can find M6 threated holes : you can use it for fixing our coupled ERGAL or Bronze feets. If you prefere our decoupling spring feet, you don't need of any fixing hole.
The plinth is finished with glossy acryilic lacquer
- 1290 euro with rubber 10 mm feets
- Extra charge for coupled Clinamen ERGAL feets: 150 euro
- Extra charge for Clinamen decoupling spring feets: 250 euro
-Extra charge for harmonic wood "Bubinga" arm board : 240 euro
-Extra charge for harmonic wood "Bubinga" arm board : 320 euro