"BLACKSTRAT" phono MM preamp
"BLACKSTRAT” reference MM phono preamp

We announce the birth of our reference MM preamplifier. We decided to build an MM phono in order to give more options when choosing the step-up transformer to support the Blackstrat MM unit. This preamplifier – you can read the design features below – is the best we can conceive; it is offered at a demanding price but we consider it to be a bargain due to the technical and sonorous solutions it offers. As you know, we practice direct sales, which means that the price is not burdened with marketing and distribution costs; we can assure you that these costs make up for over 50% of the final price. If you buy Clinamenaudio products you are certain to buy a product thought for Music, a product that follows the Natural Path of Sound respecting the laws of physics. We use the best materials making the most of their virtues and when possible turning their faults to our own advantage.
The name ‘BLACKSTRAT’ will certainly be known to all the lovers of rock music; it is the name given to the guitar belonging to David Gilmour, frontman and guitarist of the Pink Floyd. David has nearly always used Fender STRATOCASTER guitars, in particular a black one, which is where the name BLACK-STRAT comes from. In 2019 this guitar was sold at auction, together with many others of David’s musical instruments, at the highest price ever for a guitar: 3,975,000 American dollars! The money was donated to an association that protects the planet’s ecosystem.
The preamplifier will be presented on our website in April 2021.
Technical characteristics
- MM Phono two stages 0 feedback and passive RIAA with high trans-conductance triodes.
- First stage EC8010 triode connected, INDUCTIVELY coupled with 50% Nickel coil.
- EC8010 power supply, naturally stabilized with OD3 gas-discharge tubes (150 Volts).
- Coupling condenser between first stage and RIAA Miflex Copper Foil Paper/Polypropylene in Oil
- Low resistance passive RIAA to minimize thermal noise.
- Output stage with EC8010 transformer coupled (step-down to minimize output impedance).
- Stabilization of the output stage EC8010 carried out Naturally with an OD3 gas valve.
- Custom output transformer 49% nickel ratio 1:0.5
- Sub-sonic filter naturally implemented by exploiting the physiological roll-off of the output transformer in low range.
- Complete point to point handmade wiring (except for the DC modules of the filaments and the soft-start module).
- Two commutable MM inputs with frontal selector.
- MM gain at 1KHz : 43dB.
- 1,000 Ohms output impedance.
- Rectification through EZ81 valve.
- Inductive filtering stage through low dispersed flow Lundahl coil in CMC configuration (common abatement of the disturbances)
- Point to point wired rotary switch for the selection of MM input resistance: 22K -33K -47K -68K - 100K
- Relay PCB soft start on the output for anti-bump during start-up
- 5 x Noval CMC backelite socket, 4 x resin octal Belton.
- Whole chassis made from 3mm bent and soldered aluminium, painted Clinamen metal gray.
- ‘Electrolytic less’ anodic power supply; only polypropylene condensers damped with cork.
- Continuous current filament modules, independently stabilized for the two channels.
- KIWAME 2W carbon resistors.
- Laser printed chassis.
- RCA SHARKWIRE SCY-700 connectors
- Furutech IEC AC connector
- AHP fuse
- Rubber feet.
- Price 8,900 Euros
- Wooden side walls, 250 Euros.
- Set of 4 spring decoupling feet, 240 Euros.
- Vacuum tube guard protector cover x 9 (on the 4 audio tubes + EZ 81 + 4 gas stabilizator ), 280 Euros.