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We have decided to make available the newest cocobolo shell, which is usually supplied with the Clinamenaudio 103R diesis. It was requested of us by several enthusiasts who wanted an excellent quality shell different from all other shells on the market.
These are its main characteristics: its respectable mass of 3.2 grams obtained by working blocks of cocobolo wood aged for at least 7 years and worked along the grain. The shell has been carefully studied using 3D CAD and it has what appear to be pointless design elaborations, but which indicate great attention to the smallest detail. For example the lengthwise slots which work as pockets for the glue.
Once the pick-up is mounted, there is room at the front to allow for the removal of the polar plate for the replacement of a possible cantilever, on the off chance that careless usage requires its substitution. The external shape of the body is studied ALSO to give support for a purpose built stylus protector.
On the front there is an inlay work which will be different (not in the form but in the content) from the picture to distinguish the original Clinamenaudio CL103R diesis pick-ups from those assembled by the shells’ buyers. Indeed, the finished pick-up we offer has many showpieces, not only the shell itself, therefore the distinction is a must (we can mention the boron cantilever, the Shibata stylus, the perfect centring of the mobile equipment, the rice paper to protect the coils, the gluing techniques, the packaging…)
The shell, after being CNC cut to the smallest detail, is hand sandpapered and treated with natural shellac to close the pores and protect it. Later it is sandpapered again with an extra fine wire wool and finally polished with a neutral microcrystalline wax.
Before gluing the pick-up, you will need to cut a small part of its plastic support with trimming scissors; nothing complicated for someone who decides to face a shell replacement. The instructions of how and where to cut will be enclosed with the shell.
Before the final gluing we recommend you test the continuity of the left and right coils. This test MUST NOT BE CARRIED OUT WITH A MULTIMETER; its testing current might irremediably damage the coils.